Monday, October 6, 2014

Samuel Henry Rosenthal Part II

Samuel Henry Rosenthal
(May 1865, Hornitos, Mariposa Co.  CA - 19 Nov 1936, Reno, NV)

Part II
(For more information see posts on Hornitos, CA Bodie, CA and Esmeralda County, NV Goldfield, NV, and Hawthorne, NV)

Samuel H Rosenthal the tall man in the hat in front row. (others: Charles & Anna Lee McGee, children in front row, Back row: Clara McGee (Barnett), her mother Clara Belle McGee (third from left) all others are unknow.  Older lady with scarf  in front row may be Sam’s wife, Alice.

My Maternal Great Uncle

Samuel Henry Rosenthal was involved in so many things in his life, I felt it necessary to break his story into four parts.  A quick chronology and resume would run something like this:

Learned printing trad
Started newspaper in Hawthorne, NV
County Clerk of Esmeralda County, Goldfield, NV
Employed by State Printing Office at Carson City, NV as a printer.
Employed by Reno Gazette as a printer and newsman and was city editor for a time.
Became partners with Sam Armanko in a new, stationary, & tobacco store named Rosenthal & Armanko.
Representative & part owner of McKissick Opera House
Appointed to grand jury several times
Appointed Housing Chairman for Carnival week
Stockholder of mines & brokerage firm
Court appointed appraiser.
Time keeper for races
Ran for constable as a Republican.
Was a constable
Was a lawyer

Esmeralda Days

County Clerk
In the early days he was an official of Esmeralda county. When my great grandfather, W.J. Henley resigned as County clerk, his brother in law, Sam Rosenthal took on the posistion.

Exit Henley--Enter Rosenthal
The Walker Lake Bulletin says: On Wednesday last W. J. Henley tendered his resignation to the Beard of Commissioners as County Clerk. The resignation was accepted and S. H. Rosenthal was appointed to fill the vacancy. At a meeting of the Board on Thursday Rosenthal's bond was examined and accepted, and the new officer was duly installed.
Daily Nevada State Journal                May 17, 1889

Printer & Newspaper Days

After attending school at Hawthorne, Mr. Rosenthal learned the printer's trade and later published a newspaper in that city.

Samuel H Rosenthal started a newspaper in Hawthorne in 1886-1888(??) before moving to Carson City to take a position in the state printing office in 1889.


In 1889 he was employed, in the state printing office at Carson City.

In 1890 he came to Reno, engaging in the newspaper business. He was employed on the Gazette both as printer and newsman, and was city editor for a time,

Rosenthal & Armanko’s

In, February, 1896, he and Sam Armanko opened a news agency and stationery store which they conducted until 1912, when Mr. Rosenthal sold his interest to Armanko. In the 1940’s & 1950’s, my aunt, Anna Lee McGee, worked for Armanko’s as a bookkeeper, which had become a large book and stationery store. I use to love to go visit her at work.

Rosenthal & Armanko were involved in many things. They sold newspapers, delivered newspapers, sold tobacco products, sold opera tickets, acted as the lost & found for the Opera House, put on displays, drop off place for assayer samples, and rented tents for Carnival week.

Ad ad for a delivery boy makes it a requirement that he “must have a horse.”

Sam Armanko:  Samuel Rosenthal's Partner


The Weekly Gazette And Stockman, 16 April 1896

Nevada State Journal, 18 April 1896

Nevada State Journal, 3 November 1900

Opera House

Tickets from Piper's Opera House

Sam Rosenthal had quite an extinsive association with the Opera House in Reno.  He sold tickets at the Rosenthal & Armanko store. At some point he was part owner and later was crucial in negotiations with Piper and Reno in building a new Opera House. Piper ran a chain of venues to accommodate touring companies. Among these were McKissick's Opera House in Reno and the Carson Opera House in Carson City.

Nevada State Journal, 24 April 1902

On Grand Jury

Nevada State Journal, 25 February 1905

Politics & Silver Party

Both Samuel and Benjamin Rosenthal, as well as my grandfather, W.J Henley ran for office under the Silver Party.  As the party was absorbed into the Democratic Party, Benjamin ran as a Democrat, but Samuel ran as a Republican.  
The Silver Party was a political party in the United States, most successful in Nevada, active from 1892-1911. The party supported a platform of bimetallism and "Free Silver."
In 1892 the several Silver Party candidates were elected to Nevada public offices. The party's success continued throughout the decade, culminating in the election of Governors John E. Jones and Reinhold Sadler. Nevada was the only state to elect both Senators and Congressional representatives from the Silver Party.
Nationally the Silver Party aligned with the Populist Party and to a lesser extent with the Silver Republican Party. By 1902 most pro-silver factions in Nevada had been absorbed by the state Democratic Party organization.


Nevada State Journal, 28 November 1933

Mining & Stock Brokerage/Holder


Nevada State Journal, 19 July 1908

Race Timer

1 comment:

  1. Ira Salvini Jr. My Father Ira Salvini Sr Born 1934 at Wichman. Brother Gino Salvini Born 1935. Mother Hazel Thompson Salvini Born 1909 Bodie Ca. Mother Louisa Thompson Born 1889 Bodie Ca. and Dozens More. Will be coming out Spring of 2019.
